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0 Cranberry Street, Hempfield Twp, PA 15644

Active #1660989
Hempfield TwpHempfield Area School DistrictWestmoreland County
Residential Lot0.29 Acres
Wooded home site on the high side of the street. This lot offers privacy and convenience as it is located close to Route 30. Utilities are available at the street.
Listed ByAmy Lettrich(724) 539-3525
General Information
Taxes $114
Zoning s res
Exterior Features
Frontage 114
Terrain wooded, sloping
Electric available
Gas available
Sewage Public
Water Available


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This is an estimate which can be affected by your lender's rates, PMI requirements and other factors. For the most accurate information, contact a mortgage representative.

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Get In Touch About This Property
Listed ByAmy Lettrich(724) 539-3525

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